About Stiftelsen Silviahemmet

Stiftelsen Silviahemmet® is a Swedish non-profit foundation with the mission to spread knowledge about dementia through various educational initiatives. The foundation also runs a day care on Drottningholm, close to Stockholm.

Dementia Education...

and Care for Quality of Life. Silviahemmet’s work to spread knowledge about dementia care was initiated by HM Queen Silvia. The first course at an advanced level started in 1996, a higher education in dementia care for assistant nurses. After a year they all received Silviahemmet’s brooch and diploma from HM Queen Silvia and the exclusive title Silvia Sister. Today, education in dementia care is offered both nationally and internationally to various professional groups and to relatives of persons living with dementia.

Silviahemmet Care Philosophy

All education and the practical work at our day center is based on the Silviahemmet Care Philosophy – a person-centred framework and a way of working that can be used throughout the entire course of the disease from mild to severe stage, and at the end of life. The philosophy is built on common values – an ethical base grounded in the WHO values of equity in health and has a common goal of highest possible quality of life for both the person living with dementia, and also for their family and the caregiver team. The Silviahemmet Care Philosophy is based on the four cornerstones of the palliative care philosophy: symptom control, family support, teamwork and communication.

Silviahemmet e-learning program

Silviahemmet e-learning program in English is primarily for healthcare staff. A basic education in dementia care that is entirely web-based. Contact us for more information how your employees can take part in the Silviahemmet e-learning program. E-mail info@silviahemmet.se.

SilviaBo – a housing concept

SilviaBo® is a housing concept – an ordinary flat that is adapted for a safe and secure living for those living with dementia. The SilviaBo concept is developed based on a close collaboration between Silviahemmet, the construction company BoKlok and the interior design company Ikea. The SilviaBo project started with afternoon tea at Silviahemmet on a November day in 2015, see the film.

HM Queen Silvia of Sweden

HM Queen Silvia initiated the foundation Stiftelsen Silviahemmet 1996. The Queen understood early on that knowledge is the tool to be able to understand, help and respond to a person with dementia. The Queen is since the start Silviahemmet’s Chair of the Board.

More about HM Queen Silvia

The Board

The foundation Stiftelsen Silviahemmet’s Board consists of HM Queen Silvia, chair, and the board members Anna De Geer, Claes Dinkelspiel, Maria Eriksdotter, Lars Gatenbeck and Yngve Kihlström.

Silviahemmet's CEO

Dr. Wilhelmina Hoffman is a physician, specialized in geriatric medicine and the headmaster and CEO of Silviahemmet since 2005. She is also the President of the Swedish Dementia Centre. Wilhelmina has great commitment in the field of dementia with many national and international contacts.

Educations in dementia care

Silviahemmet's training in dementia care and several educational cooperations with Swedish universities have led to Silviahemmet's Care Philosophy spreading in Sweden, but also to other European countries, Asia and South America.

Karolinska Institutet

Masters Courses in Dementia Care Education. Silviahemmet has a cooperation with Karolinska Institutet since 2012. Web-based training is offered to doctors, occupational therapists and physiotherapists. After graduation, they receive the title Silvia Doctor, Silvia Occupational Therapist and Silvia Physioterapist respectively. Courses in dementia care are also offered for other professional groups, find more information in link below.

More about Karolinska Institutet

Sophiahemmet University

In cooperation with Silviahemmet the university offer assistant nurses, nurses and care administrators a higher education in specialization in cognitive illness and in dementia care. After passing the examination, the Silviahemmets’s brooch and diploma are received together with the title Silvia Sister, Silvia Nurse or Care Administrator with diploma from Silviahemmet.

More about Sophiahemmet University

Silviahemmet's Certification Program

The Silviahemmet certification means that all employees at a care unit have received education in dementia knowledge. Trained staff, good leadership and a common care philosophy are three important parts for achieving high quality in care and nursing. Silviahemmet’s Certification Program has the highest focus on these three areas. Today there are Silviahemmet certified care units in Sweden, Germany and Brazil.

Contact Stiftelsen Silviahemmet

Marie Cederschiöld University

The church’s various professionals are offered a web-based diploma course in dementia knowledge given by Marie Cedershiöld University in cooparation with Silviahemmet and Ersta diakoni. After passing the degree, Silviahemmet’s brooch, diploma and a diploma title from Silviahemmet are received. This takes place at Silviahemmet’s solemn diploma ceremony in the presence of H.M. The Queen.

More about Marie Cederschiöld University

Silviahemmet's international educations

The foundation operates primarily in Sweden, but also in Europe and South America. SBA in São Paulo, Brazil, is certified in dementia knowledge by Silviahemmet.

Silviahemmet has had an educational collaboration in Germany for several years with training in dementia care in accordance with Silviahemmet’s Care Philosophy. Today there are five Silviahemmet Certified units in Germany. The day care Malteser Tagestreff in Bottrop, the hospital St. Carolus in Görlitz, the care and nursing home Papst Leo Haus in Essen (see video from 2021), the hospital Lausitz Klinik in Forst (see link with video from 2022), and the hospital Johanniter-Krankenhaus i Gronau.

See video from Lausitz Klinik in Forst (German language)

Silviahemmet e-learning program

Silviahemmet’s e-learning in English is primarily for care givers. A basic education in dementia care that is entirely web-based. The e-Learning program is under development and will be translated to other languages and offered to health and care units in Europe and Asia. Contact us for more information info@silviahemmet.se.

Silviahemmet's solemn diploma ceremony

Every year, newly graduated Silvia Sisters, Silvia Nurses, Silvia Doctors, Silvia Physiotherapists, Silvia Occupational Therapists, Care Administrators and Deacons with diplomas from Silviahemmet, are invited to Silviahemmet’s solemn diploma ceremony in the presence of HM Queen Silvia. See a video clip from the ceremony 2021 at Drottningholms Slottsteater.

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